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World History - Revolutionary Rally
Databases & Books
Websites/Primary Sources
Propaganda Examples
Class Handouts & Videos
Historical Newspapers (Primary Sources)
Chicago Tribune 1849-1994
Wall Street Journal 1889-2000
Washington Post 1877-2001
Websites & Primary Sources
Charles de Gaulle: Speech at Constantine, Algeria; 1958
Proclamation of the Algerian National Liberation Front; 1954
America Salutes Algerian Independence; 1963 [Video]
Constitution of Algeria; 1963
Editorial of the First Issue of
El Moudjahid
(Newspaper founded during the Algerian Revolution to Inform FLN Resistance Fighters); Algeria 1956
Revolutionary Forces of the World Unite, Fight Against Imperialist Aggression!
November, 1948 (Article by Mao Zedong)
Address of Mao Zedong
September, 1949
Proclamation of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China
October, 1949
Mao History Archive
- Primary Sources Collection
Wilson Center Mao Zedong Documents
- Primary Sources Collection
Propaganda Posters
- Primary Sources Collection
Patrice Lumumba: The Most Important Assassination of the 20th Century
Cartoon depicting Leopold II, 1884
Nsala of Wala in Congo Looks at Severed Hand and Foot of His Daughter [photograph], 1904
Mutilated Children and Adults in Congo [photograph], c. 1900-1905
Punch Congo Rubber Cartoon, 1906
Speech by Louis M. Scheyven: "We Did Not Wish to Wage Colonial War"
U.S. Department of Defense Newsreel: Crisis in the Congo
Patrice Lumumba (1958) - "Speech at Accra"
Patrice Lumumba's Last Letter to Pauline Lumumba
Patrice Lumumba - "Our Wounds are Too Fresh and Too Painful"
Cartoon by German Cartoonist on Decolonization (1959)
Independence Cha Cha [Song]
(Wikipedia Article Explanation)
King Baudouin's Speech (January 13, 1959)
Patrice Lumumba "African Unity and National Independence"
New York Times Article - Lumumba Assails Colonialism as Congo is Freed (July 1960)
Lumumba Speech at the Opening of the All-African Conference in Leopoldville, 1960
Speech by Mr. Khrushchev (September 1960)
Report on CIA Assassination Plots (Patrice Lumumba)
Speech by Malcolm X (1965)
New York Times Article - Over the Congo, Lumumba's Ghost (October 1961)
Gold Coast New Constitution 1951
British Report on a Speech by Kwame Nkrumah Given in Liberia; 1953
First Afro-Asian Conference, Final Communique, 1955
Extract from a 1956 U.K. Secret Government Report on Independence for the Gold Coast
British Parliament Debate on the Gold Coast, July 1957
Ghana's Policy at Home and Abroad: Text of Speech Given to Ghana Parliament, August 29 1957
MLK Jr.'s "Birth of a New Nation" Sermon Delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church 1957
Nnamdi Azikiwe Honors Kwame Nkrumah on His Visit to Eastern Nigeria; 1959
Kwame Nkrumah:
I Speak of Freedom
[Speech]; 1961
Nkrumah meeting with JFK at the White House [photograph], 1961
Ceremony Honoring Nkrumah Visit to Washington D.C., 1961
Remarks Upon Presenting President of Ghana to Press Corp, 1961
Conversations Between Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and President Kwame Nkrumah; 1964
New York Times: Portrait of Nkrumah as Dictator, 1964
"To Every Englishman in India;" Author: Mohandas Gandhi
Presidential Address by Muhammed Ali Jinnah to the Muslim League
Lord Wavell's Note on the Results for the British Commonwealth of the Transfer of Political Power in India (13 July, 1946)
Excerpts from Gandhi, Hind Swaraj
Gandhi, Ahmedabad Speech
Gandhi, Satyagraha Speech
Gandhi - Dandi March [Image]
Conference on the Partition of India - June 3, 1947 [Image]
Indian Independence - August 15, 1947 [Image]
Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam; Author: Ho Chi Minh
Letter from Ho Chi Minh to President Truman
Letter from Ho Chi Minh to Secretary of State
Buddhist Monk Set Himself on Fire [Image]
April 8, 1965, President Johnson Speech on Ending the War in Vietnam [Newsreel]
Conference Between France and Vietnam - Paris, March 1946 [Image]
Cartoon by Lang on the War in Indo-China - February 2, 1950 [Cartoon]
Ho Chi Minh Archives - Primary Sources
CNN Vietnam Propaganda Posters
Vietnam Propaganda
Primary Sources from Ebooks
Asia (500-2018)
ISBN: 9781682179277
China/India/Vietnam Primary Sources
World History
ISBN: 9780979775864
India, Cuba, South Africa, Congo, China, Iran, Vietnam Primary Sources (In Volume 4)
Nationalism and Populism (320 B. C. E. - 2016 C. E. )
ISBN: 9781682172933
India, Vietnam, Cuba, South Africa, China Primary Sources
The Vietnam War (1956-1975)
ISBN: 9781619258525
Vietnam Primary Sources
Databases & Books
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