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World History - Revolutionary Rally
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World History - Revolutionary Rally
Databases & Books
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Articles on Each Revolution from World History Database
South Africa
Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa: Algerian War of Independence
Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism: Algeria
Europe Since 1914: Algeria
New Encyclopedia of Africa: Algeria
The Cold War: Ahmed Ben Bella, President of Algeria, 1963 - 1965
Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism: Chinese Revolutions
Encyclopedia of Modern China - Cultural revolution 1966 - 1969
Chinese Cultural Revolution Begins - May 1966
Moa - Liberator or Oppressor?
China Since 1949
Mao Zedong - Biography
Worldmark Encyclopedia
(Click "History" on the right)
The Congo Crisis: 1960-1965
United Nations Intervenes in the Congolese Civil War, July 1960
Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of Congo, 196
Patrice Emery Lumumba
Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism: Nkrumah, Kwame
International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences: Kwame Nkrumah
Historic World Events: Ghana Gains Independence
Milestone Events from World History: Ghana Gains Independence from Great Britain
Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations: Ghana
(Click "History," "Government," and "Political Parties" on the right)
GALE World History Online Collection: Post-Colonial India
Worldmark Encyclopedia
(Click "History" on the right)
Partition of India
Global Events: Milestone Events Throughout History: India Gains Independence from Great Britain, August 15, 1947
Gandhi Biography
GALE World History Online: Apartheid
New Encyclopedia of Africa: Steve Biko
Contemporary Black Biography: Nelson Mandela
Global Events: The Sharpeville Massacre, March 21, 1960
Global Events: Nelson Mandela Is Sentenced to Life in Prison, June 11, 1964
Global Events: The Soweto Uprising: June 16, 1976
Global Events: Desmond Tutu Promotes Disinvestment in South Africa, 1984
Global Events: South Africa Holds Its First Multiracial Election: April 27-29, 1994
Worldmark Encyclopedia
(Click "History" on the right)
French Indochina
Ho Chi Minh, President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 1945--1969
Ho Chi Minh
Articles on Forces Influencing Decolonization from World History Database
WWI / WWII / Cold War
GALE World History Online Collection: Decolonization
GALE World History Online Collection: United Kingdom Since 1914
Europe Since 1914: Decolonization
Europe Since 1914: The End of British Empire
New Encyclopedia of Africa: United Nations
New Dictionary of the History of Ideas: African Nationalism
Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism: Pan-Africanism
New Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Nonviolence
New Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Maoism
Africa Today: The Algerian Question in Nkrumah's Ghana, 1958 - 1960: Debating "Violence" and "nonviolence" in Decolonization
(Academic Journal Article)
Journal of Pan African Studies: Pan Africanism and Civil Religious Performance: Kwame Nkrumah and the Independence of Ghana
(Academic Journal Article)
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