Interlibrary loan request link: WorldCat Discovery
Directions For Academic Journal Articles
- Search the journal title. (Not the article title)
- Filter for print journals, print magazines on the left.
- Click the correct journal.
- Click "Request Item Through Interlibrary Loan" on the right.
- Click "Sign In."
- Enter your library card number and pin, or use the OPRF library card
- Fill out the request form as completely as can and click "submit request."
- If you use the OPRF library card, please enter Mrs. Hooper's contact information, and your article will be forwarded to you.
For Books
- Search the book title.
- Click the correct book (be sure it's the print version).
- Click "Request Item Through Interlibrary Loan" on the right.
- Click "Sign In."
- Enter your library card number and pin, or use the OPRF library card
- Fill out the request form as completely as can and click "submit request."
- If you use the OPRF library card, please enter Mrs. Hooper's contact information, and your article will be forwarded to you.
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Google: "article title" open access pdf
Sometimes you will find the preprint, or the author has chosen to make their article public.